World Builder


World Builder is based on Taxonomy and tagging systems. This allows for all entries of a world building setup to be used as reference data and allow for freelinking at points in a story if the creator chooses to. All entries in Word Builder should be usable as either front page category tags or other references in the actual chapters.

This means events that maybe aren’t important to the story, but are mentioned, can be writen out like a wiki entry and referenced by the viewers, but not need to be put into that particular story. Technology or Magic as well can be referred to in story while extended on in the referenced areas.

Wiki setup

The setup is mostly a wikipedia where all information can be created, updated, and verified. A review process will prevent changes to the world without first being looked at and checks on previous entries can be done to ensure continuity

1. Series / World

  • Name of the series
  • Basic Plot Summary / Discription
  • Cover image

2. Events

  • Name of the Event
  • Date of the Event
  • Breakdown and discription of event
  • List of references to the event in the world

3. Locations

  • Nations
  • Buildings
  • Cities

4. Tech/magic

5. Characters

6. Timeline

7. History

Function within the entire suite

1. Story Tagging

  • Used to organize Stories under the Series they are writen for.
  • Tagging with main characters for the story

2. Organize and Present Background information

  • Useful to help introduce new visitors to the deeper lore or the universe you are building
  • Establish the Bible of the universe you are building.